The requirement for the Master’s in Theology/Biblical Studies etc includes the following:
- The student must have completed or earned Bachelor Degree, or the equivalent from an accepted Bible College or Seminary. Where the student has a Bachelor in any field other than theology of Biblical studies pre-requisites must be satisfied on an undergraduate level.
- The student that meets the criteria presented above must complete an application for Admission, life experience evaluation form, a transcript and copy of Bachelor degree for validation (Project). These must be received before formal admittance will be granted.
The student will be notified of any delinquent information from their profile.
NB: Every term paper will be directed by the lecturer who handles the course and must be 20 pages, typed and photocopied in 2 places, while your Dissertation will also be typed and photocopied in 3 places.
Th 500 Biblical Theology
Th 501 Systematic Theology
Th 502 Practical Theology
Th 503 Exegetical Theology
Th 504 Historical Theology
Th 505 Old Testament Theology
Th 506 New Testament Theology
The student will write 20 pages term paper, as the lecturers direct him or her.
Upon the completion of these assignments, the student will be required to write a project on a topic to be approved by Transformers Bible College and Seminary faculty and staff of not less than 120 – 140 pages in length, with proper format and bibliography.
B1 600 Biblical Interpretation
B1 601 History of the New Testament Church
B1 602 Interpretation of Signs and Symbols
B1 603 Feasts of Israel
B1 604 New Testament Studies
B1 605 Covenant of God
B1 606 Hebrew Language
B1 607 Greek Language
The student will write 20 pages term paper, as the lecturers direct him or her.
Upon the completion of these assignments, the student will be required to write a project on a topic to be approved by Transformers Bible College and Seminary faculty and staff of not less than 120 – 140 pages in length, with proper format and bibliography.
RS 500 Systematic Theology 1
RS 505 Systematic Theology 11
RS 510 Pastoral Leadership
RS 515 Introduction of Christian Ethics
RS 516 Comparative Religious
RS 517 Blood Covenant
RS 518 Apologetics
The student will write 20 pages term paper, as the lecturers direct him or her.
Upon the completion of these assignments, the student will be required to write a project on a topic to be approved by Transformers Bible College and Seminary faculty and staff of not less than 120 – 140 pages in length, with proper format and bibliography.
CA 510 Church Administration
CA 511 Computers in Administration
CA 512 Law and the Church
CA 513 Stewardship and the Local Church
CA 514 Finance and Church Money
CA 515 Developments of Church Structures, Programmes and Services
CA 516 The Church and its Challenges
CA 517 Church Organization/Structure
CA 518 Church Planting and Development
The student will write 20 pages term paper, as the lecturers direct him or her.
Upon the completion of these assignments, the student will be required to write a project on a topic to be approved by Transformers Bible College and Seminary faculty and staff of not less than 120 – 140 pages in length, with proper format and bibliography.
CE 600 Psychology of Christian Education
CE 601 The Law of Learning
CE 602 The Christian Education Curriculum
CE 603 Adult Educations
CE 604 Christian Educations and Christ Teaching
The student will write 20 pages term paper, as the lecturers direct him or her.
Upon the completion of these assignments, the student will be required to write a project on a topic to be approved by Transformers Bible College and Seminary faculty and staff of not less than 120 – 140 pages in length, with proper format and bibliography.
English Language
Thesis/Term Paper Preparation